Through a devastating loss, I learned a valuable lesson...

When I was nineteen years old, I lost three of my friends in a car accident. It was the last thing I expected to happen that day, we had our whole lives ahead of us. In the years before, as a high school student, I started a career in technology. After the loss of my friends, I took a step back and decided to make more time for adventure in my life.
I spent two and a half years at Mammoth Mountain working the ski lift and skiing as much as I could. Then I met my wife, Judy, and moved back to start our life together. Although I went back into technology, I also started working with Judy and her family in real estate. There was a lot of construction to be done on homes within the company, and I became a contractor on top of it all. Before I knew it, I was part of this whole new world.
For several years, I worked for tech startups and real estate at the same time. I built and renovated homes, working on the commercial and luxury end of the market. At the end of the 90’s I left technology behind to focus on real estate and apply everything I had learned with the technological advances in the industry. By 2001 when we had our first child, we wanted something more. Judy and I wanted to show our kids the important things in life through our work. So, we started a residential real estate company in 2005.
It was the craziest time to make that change as everyone else in real estate was running for the hills. Things definitely became tougher in 2007 and the years after, however, I have never been one to let fear dictate what I do. Instead, I focus on the positive and potential of everything ahead of me. I wanted to have an impact and at that time, I did more than ever helping with short sale homes and turning around difficult situations for families.
I have been motivated by growth for decades and over the years, I learned a lot of growing happens during stressful times. How you react to those situations, the choices you make, they hold sway over your life for years to come. I have always been one to run towards disaster, it is in my DNA. I simply want to help whenever I can. It was a huge part of what got me into coaching years ago and why I keep doing what I do day after day.
Do not get me wrong, there have been tough moments. There were times when I had dug myself into deep holes. However, I never focused on how far down I had fallen, only on how much higher I had left to go. What I realized all those years ago when I was a teenager was that life is too short. It is too short to spend it worrying or doing things that you hate—so I live my life the way I intend to. It is the only one I have after all.

I have been a licensed REALTOR® since 1991. I enjoy heliskiing and heliboarding when I have the time. My favorite part of being a REALTOR® is that first consultation with my clients, laying out all their options along with my thirty plus years of expertise to help them choose which route they want to go.
Whether you are buying or selling a home, there is something you are hoping to achieve. My first priority is figuring out what you hope to accomplish so that we can plan the most beneficial trajectory for you. Sometimes selling and buying are not the answers, even if that is the case, I will still help you figure out the best option to fit your unique situation. I am a consultant laying out your options along with my decades of expertise in order to help you make the best decision to fit you. With my experience in real estate from flipping homes, holding them, property management, commercial, residential, to residential investment, I know what it takes to find the answers you are looking for. I specialize in luxury residential and residential investment and draw on my own experience rehabbing and building homes to help you find the best place to fit your needs. When the paperwork is signed, I will still be around to support you as your lifelong REALTOR®.